Huddy (House + Cuddy)
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Huddy (House + Cuddy)

czekając na Huddy...


PostWysłany: Pią 23:32, 19 Gru 2008
Mecenas Timon
Mecenas Timon

Dołączył: 19 Gru 2008
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HuK, HuKiem, a ja ciągle zastanawiam się nad tym, czy 511 było definitywnym końcem Huddy, czy będzie dopiero jego pięknym początkiem? Póki co, skłaniam się ku temu drugiemu, choć wiem, że jeżeli scenarzyści zdecydują się na takie właśnie rozwiązanie, to przez kilka najbliższych odcinków pewnie nawet nie zobaczymy House'a & Cuddy (razem, w dwupaku) na ekranie...

Tak, czy inaczej, zachowanie House'a w odcinku 511 było zupełnie inne, niż dotychczas. Facet nie gnębił, nie krytykował Cuddy, nie wyśmiał pomysłu dot. adopcji. I jeszcze te wszystkie niekontrolowane, ukradkowe spojrzenia, słowa ("wesołych świąt, Cuddy") i... ogólna powaga. Wydaje mi się, że on zaczyna wreszcie zdawać sobie sprawę z pewnych kwestii (swojego uczucia do Lisy, z powagi sytuacji; z tego, jak ona bardzo chce być mamą). Wie również, że w zaistniałych okolicznościach zostanie zepchnięty (chwilowo przynajmniej) na dalszy plan.

I w tym momencie rodzi się pytanie: czy facet zamknie się w sobie, odsunie od Cuddy, czy postoi chwilę w cieniu, przemyśli sprawę i podejmie działanie? Wydaje mi się, że raczej bramka nr 2, bo nawet jeśli sam sobie nie poradzi, to Wilson, Taub (?) mu w tym pomogą ;-)

PostWysłany: Sob 15:27, 20 Gru 2008
rocket queen
Pumbiasta Burleska

Dołączył: 19 Gru 2008
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Wiem, że wklejam post pod postem, ale... zmiana tematyki się kroi :D A raczej przejście od dumania do utwierdzania się w przekonaniu, że Huddy zmierza w dobrą stronę!

Wywiad z Lisą Edelstein:

Cytat: Poor Cuddy — just as she's about to thank House for surprising her with her med-school desk, she finds him with that blonde floozy actress. She must be ready to tear her hair out.
Lisa Edelstein: She knows how to pick 'em! But I don't think she's looking for an easy relationship anyway. I don't think she relates to things that are that easy. People like that always end up in these complicated situations.

Czyli sprawa biurka została potwierdzona! Teraz już nikt nie może mieć wątpliwości, że to prezent od House'a!

Cytat: Exec producer Katie Jacobs recently told me that the "Huddy" romance was "unorthodox, and yet at the same time incredibly real."
Jejku, jakie CUDOWNE określenie! Padam z zachwytu :D

Edelstein: Yeah, because it's rarely the way it is in the movies, where people meet, fall in love and everything works out. Especially with grown-ups, there are so many things that get in the way, so many turns and twists that you have to take just to figure out how to connect. This is a very realistic way or portraying a relationship.
I jak tutaj się nie zgodzić?

Cytat: Why do you think Cuddy is trying as hard as she is?
Edelstein: I think that for a long time she felt connected to House and protected him and admired him, and was able to keep it at a professional level, even though I think they always had chemistry. But after he kissed her, it really confirmed that she wanted to go in that direction. So she has to try.

Cytat: We ran a poll on, and after some 61,000 votes, 84 percent said yes, they'd love to see a full-blown "Huddy" romance.
Edelstein: Nice! [Laughs] I love it! Should I be expecting to take my clothes off soon? Should I be doing exercises?
TYM ZDANIEM MNIE ZABIŁA! Pewnie, że ma ćwiczyć! :twisted:

I jak wrażenia po lekturze?

PostWysłany: Nie 12:45, 21 Gru 2008
rocket queen
Pumbiasta Burleska

Dołączył: 19 Gru 2008
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Zdecydowanie jestem "za" - choć nie wiem czy powinnam być w różowym nastroju? Po ostatnich odcinku Huddy może pójść praktycznie w każdym kierunku - zależy co chcą namotać. Jeżeli nie mają pomysłu jak poprowadzić wątek "pełnego huddy" by nie spłycić tego wszystkiego, to będą nas nękać niepewnością ile się da. Być może Cuddy zajmie się dzieckiem, a House zrozumie, że mu jej brakuje i na swój sposób, pokrętny oczywiście, będzie się kręcił koło niej (nich) aż w końcu wkręci na amen, albo.. To "albo" zdecydowanie mi nie pasuje.

Ostatnio zmieniony przez lizbona dnia Nie 22:55, 21 Gru 2008, w całości zmieniany 1 raz


Codziennie budzę się piękniejsza, ale dziś to już chyba

PostWysłany: Nie 22:02, 21 Gru 2008

Dołączył: 21 Gru 2008
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Buhahahaha :hahaha:, patrzcie co znalazłam podczas "odkurzania" twardziela:

PostWysłany: Nie 22:53, 21 Gru 2008
rocket queen
Pumbiasta Burleska

Dołączył: 19 Gru 2008
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Pragnę podzielić się nowym znaleziskiem, a mianowicie linkiem do fanlistingu Huddy:

Hugh i Lisa opowiadają o tym, co czeka serialowych House'a i Cuddy (to nie widział, niech czym prędzej klika na PLAY!)



...i jeszcze kilka dowodów na to, że Greg i Lisa są kompatybilni w 100% :D

PostWysłany: Wto 13:38, 23 Gru 2008
rocket queen
Pumbiasta Burleska

Dołączył: 19 Gru 2008
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a ja znalazłem HMVkę (House Music Video^^)


na youtubie jest dużo HMVłek - co lepsze bym powrzucał ale nie wiem gdzie.

PostWysłany: Czw 19:12, 25 Gru 2008
Dziekan Medycyny
Dziekan Medycyny

Dołączył: 21 Gru 2008
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House Cuddy

If House is capable of any relationship with anyone, it's Cuddy. (David Shore)
I think it's probably more real than any other love relationship on TV. (Katie Jacobs)

Mała rzecz, a cieszy :D

Autor postu otrzymał pochwałę.

PostWysłany: Sob 22:30, 27 Gru 2008
rocket queen
Pumbiasta Burleska

Dołączył: 19 Gru 2008
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Ta lista jest genialna. :mrgreen:
Normalnie mnie rozbroiła ;pppp.

Aby coś docenić trzeba to stracić...

Baner & Avek by Ewel

PostWysłany: Nie 23:59, 28 Gru 2008
Lekarz rodzinny
Lekarz rodzinny

Dołączył: 28 Gru 2008

Posty: 335

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To "why I must have sex with you" mnie totalnie rozwaliło. JEst boskie :hahaha:

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Elvis ain't dead
'Cause I heard him on the radio!

PostWysłany: Pon 0:00, 29 Gru 2008
Student medycyny
Student medycyny

Dołączył: 27 Gru 2008
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194 powody dla których House i Cuddy powinni być razem:

1. Because Cuddy watches and quotes General Hospital and that makes House smile. (1.01 Pilot)
2. Because it's a game, and Cuddy's gonna win. (1.03 Occam's Razor)
3. Because he has her home phone number, in case anything comes up at three o'clock in the morning. (1.03 Occam's Razor)
4. Because House thinks Cuddy is an 'excellent council'. (1.03 Occam's Razor)
5. Because Wilson suspects House has a thing for Cuddy. (1.03 Occam's Razor)
6. Because Wilson advises House to take his pills and go and 'kiss Cuddy's ass.' (1.03 Occam's Razor)
7. Because she likes the way he looks in a lab coat. (1.15 Mob Rules)
8. Because whenever she gets sick, she makes House take the medicine. (1.16 Safe)
9. Because she protects him. (1.18 Babies & Bathwater)
10. Because he knows where she keeps her spare keys. (2.03 Humpty Dumpty)
11. Because House has done handy-man work for her. (2.03 Humpty Dumpty)
12. Because he knows 'where it all happens.' (2.03 Humpty Dumpty)
13. Because he likes to get around to her panties. (2.03 Humpty Dumpty)
14. Because he knows her tampon size. (2.03 Humpty Dumpty)
15. Because they're too nasty to each other not to have been...nasty(2.03 Humpty Dumpty)
16. Because Stacy is curious as to why House is curious about Cuddy. (2.03 Humpty Dumpty)
17. Because they're so in sync, they're wearing each other's underwear. (Chop-chop time) (2.03 Humpty Dumpty)
18. Because he thinks she's a good boss. (2.03 Humpty Dumpty)
19. Because everyone thinks they've had se. before. (2.03 Humpty Dumpty)
20. Because House trusts Cuddy enough to drop his pants in front of her. (2.13 Skin Deep)
21. Because he knows all her poker tells. (2.17 All In)
22. Because even so, she can still beat him at poker. (2.17 All In)
23. Because she doesn't like nice boys. (2.22 Forever)
24. Because going through someone's garbage equals love. (2.22 Forever)
25. Because he thinks she's smart, funny, and has a zesty bod. (2.22 Forever)
26. Because he knows her ovulation cycle and it's not based on how bitchy she gets. (2.22 Forever)
27. Because he wants to know when 'their' date is going to happen. (2.22 Forever)
28. Because he was almost mad at her for not having cancer if that meant she liked Wilson (2.22 [i]Forever)
29. Because he takes an interest in her (2.22 Forever)
30. Because she knows all his friends. (2.23 Who's Your Daddy)
31. Because he already got to second base. (2.23 Who's Your Daddy)
32. Because microbes can be sneaky. Keep rubbing, House! (2.23 Who's Your Daddy)
33. Because he didn't tell anyone she was trying to have a baby (2.23 Who's Your Daddy)
34. Because he thinks she should have her baby with someone she likes (2.23 Who's Your Daddy)
35. Because he clearly wanted her to ask him to be the father of her baby (2.23 Who's Your Daddy)
36. Because he drank from her water bottle. (3.01 Meaning)
37. Because she knows e.actly what type of cases that he wants ("Oh, well played, Sir.") (3.01 Meaning)
38. Because he thanked her for putting him in a ketamine-induced coma and changing his life. (3.01 Meaning)
39. Because he thought about her while in the shower. (3.02 Cane and Able)
40. Because he noticed her breasts looked firmer. (3.02 Cane and Able)
41. Because he pretended to fall, just to get her to touch him. (3.02 Cane and Able)
42. Because he knew that withholding information from him wasn't her idea. (3.02 Cane and Able)
43. Because you can't stop their love. (3.04 Lines in the Sand)
44. Because they had laser-pointer sex (3.09 Finding Judas)
45. Because she is his dealer. (3.09 Finding Judas)
46. Because he finally got to her. (3.09 Finding Judas)
47. Because she saved him from going to jail. (3.11 Words and Deeds)
48. Because she owns his ass. (3.11 Words and Deeds)
49. Because he knows it. (3.11 Words and Deeds)
50. Because she's a perjuror. (3.12 One Day, One Room)
51. Because he's a felon. (3.12 One Day, One Room)
52. Because it's more than a game to her. (3.12 One Day, One Room)
53. Because she wants him to find humanity. (3.14 One Day, One Room)
54. Because he thought she was going kiss him. (3.12 One day, One Room)
55. Because it's enough foreplay already (3.12 One Day, One Room)
56. Because he interrupted her date. (3.14 Insensitive)
57. Because he knew exactly where she would take her date. (3.14 Insensitive)
58. Because he broke into her office again. (3.14 Insensitive)
59. Because he showed up to her place and was surprised to find her date still there. (3.14 Insensitive)
60. Because she thinks he likes her. (3.14 Insensitive)
61. Because she considers he wants her for himself. (3.14 Insensitive)
62. Because nothing else in the world's going on when she talks to him. (3.14 Insensitive)
63. Because she was worried that another hospital was trying to steal her best doctor. (3.15 Half-Wit)
64. Because when she discovered that he was ill, she still gave him his space, allowing him to come to her. (3.15 Half-Wit)
65. Because showing up at her place in the middle of the night allows him to see what she is wearing. (3.15 Half-Wit)
66. Because she is there for him if he needs her. (3.15 Half-Wit)
67. Because he needs her. (3.15 Half-Wit)
68. Because she had to go on her tippy-toes to hug him. (3.15 Half-Wit)
69. Because he grabbed her ass. "One small feel for man, one giant ass for man kind." (3.15 Half-Wit)
70. Because she smiled when he grabbed her ass and thanked him. (3.15 Half-Wit)
71. Because he tried to follow her to her bedroom. (3.15 Half-Wit)
72. Because she owned his ass with her come-back: "Call the Make-A-Wish Foundation." (3.15 Half-Wit)
73. Because she is naked under her robe and isn't even trying to hide that from him (3.15 Half-Wit)
74. Because it's not irrelevant to him that his patient has been with her on a date (3.16 Top Secret)
75. Because she is always in his dreams. (3.16 Top Secret)
76. Because he did think about her in the shower (3.16 Top Secret)
77. Because he's been thinking about her (3.16 Top Secret)
78. Because even though House is lousy with faces, he couldn't forget the guy's face because he made out with Cuddy (3.16 Top Secret)
79. Because she loves the fact that House remembers (3.16 Top Secret)
80. Because he wants private room coverage (3.16 Top Secret)
81. Because she knows he stares at her ass when he thinks she's not looking (and she likes it!) (3.16 Top Secret)
82. Because she gives to him everything he wants (3.16 Top Secret)
83. Because one night he gave to her everything she wanted! (3.16 Top Secret)
84. Because he knows this ship hasn't sailed yet! (3.16 Top Secret)
85. Because she would trust him with her baby's life (3.17 Fetal Position)
86. Because now she has a lot more respect for the things he does (3.17 Fetal Position)
87. Because, no matter what, he would always choose her life (3.17 Fetal Position)
88. Because she gave him tickets for his holidays (3.17 Fetal Position)
89. Because she wants him to be happy, even if it means that he has to go away (3.17 Fetal Position)
90. Because, clearly, he likes her smell (3.18 Airborne)
91. Because he thinks she has firm breasts (3.18 Airborne)
92. Because he fantasizes about Lifeguard!Cuddy and Madre Superior!Cuddy (3.18 Airborne)
93. Because he saved her (3.18 Airborne)
94. Because the only time he really cared was when he thought she was sick (3.18 Airborne)
95. Because she owes him now (3.18 Airborne)
96. Because they spent some time alone in Singapore (3.18 Airborne)
97. Because he didn't want to travel alone, but he clearly wanted to travel with Cuddy (3.17 Fetal Position and 3.18 Airborne)
98. Because he took care of her (3.18 Airborne)
99. Because he wanted her to take the medications (3.18 Airborne)
100. Because he was upset 'cause Wilson took her to a play (3.19 Act Your Age)
101. Because he was mad at Wilson because he thought Wilson wanted to see her (3.19 Act Your Age)
102. Because he needed to know if Wilson and Cuddy had (3.19 Act Your Age)
103. Because everytime Wilson said he wanted Cuddy House panicked (Seriously?) (3.19 Act Your Age)
104. Because he wants to see her naked (AGAIN!) (3.19 Act Your Age)
105. Because he didn't want Wilson to have sex with her (3.19 Act Your Age)
106. Because he asked her out (3.19 Act Your Age)
107. Because why can't it be October/October? (3.19 Act Your Age)
108. Because relationships shouldn’t be so hard, so he got her tickets for a play (3.19 Act Your Age)
109. Because she lied for him
110. Because he was almost mad at her for not having cancer if that meant she liked Wilson
111. Because he didin't tell anyone she was trying to have a baby
112. Because he's sorry
113. Because she's always there
114. Because "Someone like you?" "Someone you like"
115. Because she was scared that he had a brain caner
116. Because if he needs her she's there
117. Because he needs her
118. Because they hugged
119. Because he squeezed her ass
120. Because she smiled when he squeezed her ass
121. Because he remembered a guys just 'cause he had kissed her two years before
122. Because it's not irrelevant to him that his patient has been with her
123. Because "I've been thinking about you"
124. Because he fantasizes about her in the shower
125. Because he stares at her ass when he thinks she's not looking
126. Because "I'm going with you" "I'm good"
127. Because if there's someone she would trust to save her baby is House
128. Because in his mind the pregnant patient was Cuddy, so the pregnant patient couldn't die
129. Because if saving patient/Cuddy meant losing the baby it was just fine with him
130. Because she gave him tickets for his holidays
131. Because she wants him to be happy
132. Because he act like a stalker when she's on a date
133. Because he shows up at her apartment when she's on a date
134. Because he tries to scare off her dates
135. Because he looks at her
136. Because he can't get over her
137. Because one night he gave her everything she asked for
138. Because "Heart is good, breast are firm"
139. Because he was upset 'cause Wilson took her to a play
140. Because he was mad at Wilson because he wanted to see her
141. Because he needed to know if they had
142. Because she's the object of his obvious fascination.
143. Because she likes him and trusts him.
144. Because they keep each other's secrets.
145. Because Wilson/Cuddy doesn't do it for House.
146. Because a flesh tube is way more fun that a test tube!
147. Because she always protects him.
148. Because she isn't scared of him.
149. Because nobody else can deal with him like she does.
150. Because she drives him crazy.
151. Because she wants his babyjuice.
152. Because Teh Lisa says so.
153. Because she only has thighs for him.
154. Because she makes him smile, but he'll never admit that.
155. Because he spends most of his time thinking or talking about her .
156. Because they both love the Yankees.
157. Because he loves her funbags (who doesn't?).
158. Because even David Shore himself admits that they have a strong chemistry.
159. Because David Shore revealed that it's obvious that they have had a past relationship, that one might have the feeling that they might get back in to it, and that the show might take that route.
160. Because they bicker like an old married couple
161. Because he can't get enough of her ass
162. Because she is his constant
163. Because he acts like a stalker when she's on a date
164. Because he tries to scare off her dates
165. Because he can't get over her
166. Because she's always there
167. Because he thinks her legs look good in the security lights (Human Error)
168. Because she's an evil cunning woman and that's a massive turn on for him (The Jerk)
169. Because he can read her body language (The Jerk)
170. Because she asked him back in.
171. Because he wanted her to tuck him in.
172. Because she brought him to life (kiss of life reference a bit obscure?)
173. Because she stayed over.
174. Because he puked on her shoes.
175. Because she was crying by his bedside
176. Because 'im here'
177. Because she held his hand
178. Because she slept in the chair next to his hospital bed
179. Because Huddy is happening in season five
180. Because they wont be able to dance around each other for much longer
181. Because he didnt want the PI guy to go for it
182. Because we all know who is gonna get there first
183. Because HE went to HER
184. Because HE kissed HER
185. Because their kiss was the most amazing thing we've ever seen
186. Because 'goodnight'.... 'goodnight'
187. Because the kiss is the start of an unconventional romance
188. Because he isn't being rational.
189. Because it's not Wilson's place he really wants to be walking into.
190. Because there is no mosquito, it's all about Cuddy.
191. Because she's a bit nuts, beautiful, smart and funny, and most important, she can stand him.
192. Because maybe novelty and hostility and forbideness doesn't have to end bad.
193. Because House is in love with a girl, the finest girl in the world
194. Because if it doesn't work with her, then maybe there's no one out there.

Co inne postaci (realne i serialowe) myślą o Huddy:

Wilson: "Do you have a thing for her? The only people who can get to you-" (...) "Do me a favor. Take one of these, wait five minutes for it to kick in, and find Cuddy, and kiss her ass." [Occam's Razor]

"So how did you know about her key? You been doing a little handyman work for Cuddy yourself?" [Humpty Dumpty]

Chase: "You two are just too nasty to each other not to have been…nasty." [Humpty Dumpty]

Stacy: "You know her." (...) "I’m just saying take it easy on her. You owe her that." [Humpty Dumpty]

Cameron: "Maybe between your incredibly witty remarks about anal sex and Cuddy's breasts ,you could've tipped me off."

Vogler: "Are you sleeping with House?" (...) "But you did, right? A long time ago?" (...) "If your judgment is compromised by prior or current relationship, that is my business." [Control]

Wilson: (to House) "Why are YOU so worried about Cuddy?" [Forever]

David Shore: "House and Cuddy, there seems to be a sexuality to them no matter what I write."

Katie Jacobs:
"There’s always been a tension there, and we have slightly more fun in dealing with that. ”

Lisa Edelstein: "I think Cuddy really loves House, and I don't think she loves him in a way that limits how she has to love him, as a friend or as a lover or as a person who works for her. There's a great deal of appreciation there and respect. He's horrible to deal with, but he's worth it. He's worth every second."

David Shore:"She knows him and she enjoys him. And he enjoys her."

David Shore: "I think she gets him. She’s not just an administrator who just says no to him. She does that, but she’s also able to recognize his value and understand the way he operates and gives as good as she gets. That’s sort of a litmus test for him."

David Shore: “If House is capable of any relationship with anyone, it’s Cuddy.”

Hugh Laurie: "Right from the start they've had this *crackle* between them."

Wilson: "Maybe novelty and hostility and forbiddeness doesn't have to end bad. "

Wilson: "No, you're not afraid of authority, you're afraid she actually is right for you. You're afraid to take a chance, because it's too big a chance. If it doesn't work with her, then maybe there's no one out there."

House: "I've spent half my life negotiating with that woman"

?ródło: amer. fora huddystów :D

Dodano 2 minut temu:

Jak zobaczyłam nagłówek:
Places For Possible Huddy!SEX: prawie padłam :hahaha:

Cuddy's desk ♥ House's Bath/Shower
Cuddy's couch ♥ Exam Room 1 ♥ Elevator
Janitor's closet (wiedziałam!!)♥ House's desk ♥ The Eames chair
Conference room table ♥ The shower in the doctor's lounge
House's bed ♥ Cuddy's bed ♥ Wilson's office
House's Volvo ♥ House's vintage car ♥ Cuddy's car
House's piano ♥ 4th floor balcony ♥ The hospital's rooftop
The lecture hall ♥ The observation deck ♥ Wilson's office balcony
Cuddy's assistants desk ♥ Against House's front door ♥ The sleep lab
The couch in the doctors lounge...

Autor postu otrzymał pochwałę.

PostWysłany: Sro 13:27, 31 Gru 2008
rocket queen
Pumbiasta Burleska

Dołączył: 19 Gru 2008
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rocket fajnie ,że tutaj to wstawiłaś :mrgreen: miałam co czytać :mrgreen:

Aby coś docenić trzeba to stracić...

Baner & Avek by Ewel

PostWysłany: Czw 23:10, 01 Sty 2009
Lekarz rodzinny
Lekarz rodzinny

Dołączył: 28 Gru 2008

Posty: 335

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Arystokratka napisał:
rocket fajnie ,że tutaj to wstawiłaś :mrgreen: miałam co czytać :mrgreen:
Odkryłyśmy kolejny świetny sposób na poprawę złego humoru :D

ULEPSZONA scena z "Half-Wit" (3x15):
Każdemu wyznawcy huddyzmu powinno szybciej zabić serducho...

PostWysłany: Pią 22:13, 02 Sty 2009
rocket queen
Pumbiasta Burleska

Dołączył: 19 Gru 2008
Pochwał: 57

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Ten filmik był tak genialny, że... ta genialność mnie zaćmiła :D:D:D:


Ennonychus raptor vel Szczęki Przeznaczenia

PostWysłany: Pią 22:19, 02 Sty 2009

Dołączył: 21 Gru 2008
Pochwał: 13

Posty: 885

Miasto: Katowice
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Hehe, nawet fajna wersja mojej ulubionej huddy sceny zaraz po kissie, ale jednak wolę oryginał :D

194 powody są mocne, przy 13 padłam xD.


avek by Hambarr & banner by poprostuxzjawa:*
Dla fanów - Lie to me:

Należę "nie" dumnie do KHkNSnR !

PostWysłany: Pią 22:25, 02 Sty 2009

Dołączył: 21 Gru 2008
Pochwał: 3

Posty: 2254

Miasto: 3city
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