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Puściłam pawia. Wybaczcie.
Ja tego ścierwa oglądać nie będę.
na pohybel z Lucasem! :killer:


PostWysłany: Sro 11:20, 03 Lut 2010
Mecenas Timon
Mecenas Timon

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Nie no super się zaczynało tylko na koniec myślałam że wyjde z siebie.
Czy on musi wszystko psuć!!??
* dostaje wścieklizny* :evil:


PostWysłany: Sro 11:39, 03 Lut 2010
Chirurg ogólny
Chirurg ogólny

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hahaha wściekliznę się leczy :)
haha ale nie na razie fajnie się zapowiada ;d

PostWysłany: Sro 11:57, 03 Lut 2010
Student medycyny
Student medycyny

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Zależy w jakim stadium ^^


PostWysłany: Sro 12:23, 03 Lut 2010
Chirurg ogólny
Chirurg ogólny

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Hahah ! Twoje jest poważne ! Nie no Lucasa jakoś nie widzę w roli świetne Kochanka co udowodnił kochając się Caddy mając na sobie spodnie ! ^^
Ja jednak nadal chcę, żeby było słynne Huddy moze być nawet takie co w 3, 4 i 5 sezonie !

PostWysłany: Sro 13:11, 03 Lut 2010
Student medycyny
Student medycyny

Dołączył: 29 Lis 2009

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T. napisał:
Puściłam pawia. Wybaczcie.
Ja tego ścierwa oglądać nie będę.
na pohybel z Lucasem! :killer:
T. specjalnie dla Ciebie (chyba nie było to wcześniej wklejane):

Montserrat in Glendale, Calif.: Please tell me this Cuddy-Lucas liaison is almost over on House. I can't stand it anymore!
OK, the bad news is that next Monday's House ep, "5 to 9," is Cuddy-centric and therefore riddled with Cuddy-Lucas PDA. Blech. On the other hand, the good news is that "5 to 9" is Cuddy-centric and therefore riddled with scenes that reveal House and Cuddy's genuine emotional and psychological intimacy, and that remind us fans why she loves that dude's deranged narcissistic ass in the first place. If you Huddy fans can just squint through the Cuddy-Lucas scenes, you'll find that when you come out the other side, the Huddy material is very rewarding.

Pete in Phoenix: Give me an update on House, stat!
Look for actor-comedian Orlando Jones to pop up in tonight's House, bringing along a few surprises for his brother, Foreman (Omar Epps). We checked into reports that Orlando will possibly be back on a full-time basis next year, but a House rep tells us that the writers don't yet know anything past this season. So for now, Foreman's big bro is only expected to show up once.

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"To change the world, start with one step
however small, first step is hardest of all"
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PostWysłany: Sro 13:16, 03 Lut 2010

Dołączył: 17 Wrz 2009
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i tłumaczenie:

Montserrat w Glendale, Kalifornia.: Powiedz proszę, że ten romans Cuddy i Lucasa jest prawie skończony. Już nie mogę go wytrzymać!
OK, zła wieść jest taka, że w następny poniedziałek, odcinek House'a "5 to 9" jest skoncentrowany wokół Cuddy, a zatem pokazuje także obraz związeku Cuddy i Lucasa [jak podejrzewam: PDA=public display of affection]. Fuj. Z drugiej strony dobra wiadomość jest taka, że "5 to 9" jest skoncentrowany wokół Cuddy, a zatem pokazuje także sceny, które ujawniają prawdziwą emocjonalną i psychologiczną zażyłość pomiędzy House'em i Cuddy oraz przypomina nam fanom przede wszystkim to dlaczego ona kocha tego pomylonego, narcystycznego dupka. Jeżeli wy, fani Huddy możecie przymknąć oko na sceny z Lucasem i Cuddy to przekonacie się wtedy, że z drugiej strony materiał dotyczący Huddy jest bardzo satysfakcjonujący.

drugiego akapitu pozwolę sobie nie tłumaczyć, bo dotyczy Orlando Jonesa i nie wnosi chyba nic nowego. [W skrócie: w tym sezonie brata Formana więcej nie będzie, ale możliwe, że w przyszłym będzie się pojawiał regularnie]

Autor postu otrzymał pochwałę.

"To change the world, start with one step
however small, first step is hardest of all"
strony internetowe

PostWysłany: Sro 13:44, 03 Lut 2010

Dołączył: 17 Wrz 2009
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W tym momencie to ja najbardziej bym chciała, zeby
House poznał super laske, pracująca w tym szpitalu- lekarkę,
inteligentą i z cientym językiem jak on. I niech się wożą po korytarzach
na oczach Cuddy.

PostWysłany: Sro 19:00, 03 Lut 2010

Dołączył: 11 Wrz 2009

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Dłuuugi wywiad z Lisą, głównie na temat "5 to 9" ;)

She was as upbeat, funny and friendly as she was the last time I got to talk to her. She really seems like a bubbly person. Of course, the main topic for discussion was the upcoming episode that focuses heavily on the Cuddy character. But she also talked a bit about Jennifer Morrison leaving the cast and about the House/Cuddy/Lucas relationship. I think you’ll enjoy this interview, no matter where your loyalties on the show lie.

Q: I’m just wondering if you think Cuddy is the “risotto” of all roles, in that it leaves you totally satisfied.

L. Edelstein: Definitely for now. I’m a bit fickle. So, I think a good seven years of satisfaction will lead me to the next phase.

Q: What do you hope that people glean from this episode, aside from Cuddy has a lot on her plate on any given day? What do you hope their take away is as far as your character that they might not have picked up on over the past years?

L. Edelstein: Well, there’s a lot of things I like about the episode in addition to the fact that you get a real glimpse into what it means to run a hospital. Because sometimes you see complaints that people don’t think that Cuddy’s very good at her job. I don’t really think they know what her job is. Now you get a really clearer view of that.

I like the difference between her relationship with Lucas and her relationship with House. I think on one hand you see this kind of uncomplicated ease with this guy who’s just showing up. He shows up. He actually does his best and shows up and wants to be there versus the guy that she had this long, deep, fascinating, back-and-forth with that she can’t seem to steer clear of and what he actually means in her world, how he affects her world. So, I think there’s a lot of levels to it.

Q: The episode hints at the occasional disconnect with Lucas. Do you think if she does end up bailing on that romance it’ll be to go to House or just to not be with Lucas?

L. Edelstein: I don’t know, because they don’t tell me. So, I would hate to guess. But, I that think sometimes you just want to be in the relationship that looks good on paper and that is the relationship you think you’re supposed to be in. But, I’m not sure that that really works.

So, when and if that doesn’t work, I guess what you would do is really give it a shot with the thing that excites you most. But that’s going to sound like a spoiler, and it actually isn’t because I haven’t the faintest idea what’s happening.

Q: One of my favorite moments in the “Wilson” episode earlier this year was the scene where Wilson was doing something completely, unrelated to anything that involved House. In the background, you saw the team with the patient on the gurney in the hallway, and crazy things. It really did impress on me that, “Wow! Wilson really does have a life and career that doesn’t involve House.” How interesting to see that, and again, with you, you get to have those moments, too. Is that really cool and fun and interesting for you?

L. Edelstein: I think so. I hope the audience thinks so, because again, it is really nice to see, to fill in the blanks, and to make the picture more complete. So that you know when House is causing problems for Cuddy, what the rest of the things on Cuddy’s plate are. When they interrupt something in the hallway to have a debate about a case that has nothing to do with what she’s doing and the rest of her day, how she has to focus and deal with it and resolve it and move on. I mean, I just think it is fun to see that. It is fun to fill in the blanks.

Q: A few years ago, you and I did an interview and I asked you ways you were unlike Cuddy and one of the things you singled out was the clothes, that Cuddy wears clothes that you can’t run in, and that that would cramp your style. After a few more years of playing her, do you think that maybe there’s a little bit of a free spirit kind of hidden away from everybody, just because she’s the boss?

L. Edelstein: Well, I don’t think she has time to be the free spirit that she might be. I think her days are completely filled. She has to be up at 4:30 in the morning and she works until 9:00 at night. She is a real go-getter with an enormous amount of energy, doing an enormous amount everyday for a lot of people. That kind of responsibility fills up every inch of your world.

Q: So, you don’t have time to do cartwheels down the hallway?

L. Edelstein: She certainly doesn’t. I do.

Q: A lot of fans have expressed their, I guess, anger or just dislike about the Cuddy-Lucas relationship? What do you think it is that Cuddy sees in Lucas that no one else can?

L. Edelstein: I think he shows up. I think he helps her with her life. He’s uncomplicated, very loyal, and has sex with her. I think that those things mean a lot to somebody who’s got a world like hers, which can be very overwhelming. The question remains, “Is that enough?”

But I think for right now, it’s something she really needed to explore having because she’s been alone for a while, a long time and kind of chasing after a House that was completely unavailable. So, this season, suddenly he turns around and announces he’s available, but it’s years that this has been going on. It’s not so easy.

Q: So, you’ve played this character for a while now. How do you think Cuddy’s changed over the years?

L. Edelstein: Well, I don’t think characters change. I think they become more revealed. I don’t think you really can change a character on a show. David Shore was talking about this, as well, a while back, because if you change the character, then the dynamic changes.

I think what happen is in the first season of any episode, as the audience, you’re presented with a vague picture of these people. You, as an audience member, project onto them your idea of who they are and how they fit. As the years go by and the writers get to write more deeply about each individual, they just expose themselves little by little. I don’t mean that in a nude way. Although, actually I do because that’s pretty much what happened with my character. Every season, I become more and more disrobed.

Q: What was it like having Jennifer Morrison back on the set?

L. Edelstein: Lovely. Jennifer is a great girl, wonderful to be around and smart and funny and it was great.

Q: Any kind of fun, behind-the-scenes things you can share?

L. Edelstein: Not really. We don’t have that kind of set. We work really hard and then have witty banter.

Q: I was wondering if you thought that, this is just your opinion, I know you don’t know about what’s coming up ahead. But, do you think that Cuddy would have settled, well, if settle’s the right word, for the guy she’s with right now if she hadn’t had the child? Do you think he was sort of like …?

L. Edelstein: I think that having a child definitely changed her attitude about relationships, absolutely. I think him being in her life is really directly related to that. She really needs somebody she can rely on.

I don’t think anyone can really fully prepare for having a child. I don’t think there’s any way of preparing for what that means to your world. This is a woman who already had a really full world. She needs reliable people in her life.

Q: How do you think season six is shaping up without Jennifer Morrison as Cameron?

L. Edelstein: Well, she’s been in season six.

Q: But she’s kind of been absent for quite a few episodes.

L. Edelstein: It’s always strange to be missing a character that has been around for a long time. So, it’s really hard to answer that question. However, I love our writers and I love what they’re doing. Of course, we miss her and she was recently back. That was tons of fun. I don’t really know what else to say.

Q: Did the atmosphere on set change when she left?

L. Edelstein: Not really. We don’t all work together all the time. So, for example, most of my scenes are with Hugh or Robert. I don’t have a lot of scenes with the team. I think maybe for them they could feel the difference more. Jennifer and I rarely had scenes by ourselves together, even in the five years we were both around at the same time. So if we shoot ten days and I’m there three out of those ten days, I see only whoever I’m in the scene with.

Q: I wanted to know what was it like in an episode focused on Cuddy.

L. Edelstein: It was really exciting. It was exciting because I’ve been working with these people for a very long time and to be given that kind of opportunity was really special. They sent me the script weeks earlier than usual, where I could have notes about dialog, notes about story line; make script suggestions, which is not normal for our process at House. Even during filming, I just felt like I had a lot more power in terms of interacting with the writer and director. I really loved it. Plus, I was there 16 hours a day, which is a lot of hard work. But, it’s really fun to set the pace and the tone of the stage, to be given that opportunity, especially with people that I’ve known for quite some time.

Q: House and Cuddy seem to begin to repair their relationship just a little bit, in “5 to 9”. Really for the first time, I think, since almost from the beginning of the season. Is that going to continue to evolve?

L. Edelstein: Again, they really don’t tell me what the goal is. But I did really like that and I liked the way it looked next to her relationship with Lucas because there is something very special between House and Cuddy that also is historical and deeply complicated, but has a nice weight to it, which is a very confusing thing to have in your life when you’re trying to do what you think is the right thing on paper.

Q: Yeah, there’s several moments in the episode where they seem to fall back into that very intimate trust between them.

L. Edelstein: Yeah. I don’t think they can help it.

Q: It’s like they are great moments and I think the House-Cuddy fans are going to applaud greatly when they see it.

L. Edelstein: Oh, good!

Q: Miss Edelstein, do you have any acting plans beyond House? Or, would you like to write or direct an episode like Hugh Laurie has done?

L. Edelstein: No, I don’t think I’m going to write or direct an episode. Writing an episode would be an enormous challenge because they work about six months on these cases in trying to find diseases that can be confused for other things that yet you can tell a story with that’s interesting. I mean, it’s a very complicated process. Watching Hugh do the directing, it actually was really a little more inspiring, because I hadn’t really thought about it before. Ultimately, I’m just thinking of things will interest me when House is finally done, which I don’t even know when that is, and in the meantime, just trying to see as much of the world as I possibly can.

Q: Besides seeing the script so early, what surprised you most about this episode when you first read it?

L. Edelstein: What surprised me most? That I was in every scene. It never happened to me before on the show. I kind of had an idea of what was happening, so it didn’t take me totally by surprise. They gave me a heads-up. I just didn’t know how they were going to do it.

Q: You said that you took the opportunity to suggest some script changes. What change are you most proud of?

L. Edelstein: I don’t know. If I tell you that, then you’ll know what the scene looked like before and it’ll spoil scenes. It was some relationship stuff on both sides, really, Lucas stuff and House stuff. Some were changes and some were just tone, like talking about tone and being able to participate in that process and learn what it is that David had in mind and what he was trying to say. What Tommy had in mind, what he was trying to say. Just kind of have more involvement in their process in allowing my sense of things to have some power, too.

Q: I was wondering as a woman, and during the filming process during this episode, did you ever think, “Wow! I can relate to Dr. Cuddy in this episode.” Like her life is so busy and it’s such a balancing act?

L. Edelstein: Well, absolutely; she’s trying to do everything. I’m just glad there is an episode that shows how much it is she actually has to do, how much is on her plate. Representing single moms, and single working moms and what they do is always nice because they’re unsung heroines.

Q: So, I saw the episode, and I noticed that Cuddy practices yoga, which I believe you do as well. I was just wondering, were there any other attributes about yourself that you were able to transfer to your character in this episode?

L. Edelstein: Attributes about myself, of course, I play Cuddy, so she is a part of me; but she’s much more serious and has much more on her plate and is responsible for many more people than I actually am. I think that seeing her at home, seeing her with Lucas, seeing her be a little bit sexual, those are fun sides of Cuddy that you don’t normally get to see. But, yeah, I think she’s too busy to be much more than that.

Q: Given that House’s pessimistic attitude toward life is such a key element of the show, do you think that the show would still be able to have the same effect if your character and House were in a happy relationship?

L. Edelstein: Well, I don’t think just because people are in a relationship that they’re happy. I don’t think relationships necessarily make people happy. You just are happy or you’re not happy. So, I think if they were ever to get together, there would be no loss in the misery level.

źródło: http://houseisright.com/

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PostWysłany: Czw 11:46, 04 Lut 2010
Lucky Number
Lucky Number

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'House' exclusive: 'Lost' alum Cynthia Watros checks in as [major spoiler alert]!

Lost grad Cynthia Watros has found herself one hell of a plum role on House.

Sources confirm to me exclusively that the Emmy-winning actress has been cast as Wilson’s first ex-wife (he’s had three) who comes back into his life as his new girlfriend.

And this isn’t some passing fling. I’m told Watros is on board for multiple episodes, the first of which is slated to air in April.

This marks the first significant romantic entanglement for House’s BFF since the death of Amber nearly two years ago.

Thoughts?! Are you as psyched about this as I am? ‘Cause I’m pretty psyched.


W skrócie: zdobywczyni nagrody Emmy, znana z serialu "Lost" aktorka Cynthia Watros, pojawi się w serialu jako pierwsza żona Wilsona, z którą Jimmy będzie się ponownie spotykał. Nie będzie to tylko przelotny romans, bo Watros będzie w obsadzie wielu odcinków, a pierwszy w którym się pojawi zostanie wyemitowany w kwietniu.

PostWysłany: Czw 12:17, 04 Lut 2010
Student medycyny
Student medycyny

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Czytałam to !
A by można tłumaczenie do wywiadu ? :> BO ja połowę rozumiem , a połowy nie

PostWysłany: Czw 12:23, 04 Lut 2010
Student medycyny
Student medycyny

Dołączył: 29 Lis 2009

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DOMA napisał:
Jestem w szkole i właśnie umarłam.
4 pierwsze minuty "5 to 9" !!


Z tego wszyskiego, co chciałam napisać, napiszę tylko jedno - jest dobra strona tego Luddy-początku! Otóż to daje nadzieje, że spełnią się spojlery i w tym samym odcinku doczekamy się HuSa!! :twisted:

PostWysłany: Czw 12:48, 04 Lut 2010
Fikopisarz Miesiąca
Fikopisarz Miesiąca

Dołączył: 18 Cze 2009
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hattrick dobra strona to że Luddy będzie tylko 2 minuty :twisted:


PostWysłany: Czw 14:24, 04 Lut 2010
Chirurg ogólny
Chirurg ogólny

Dołączył: 31 Sie 2009
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+ wywiad z Lisą


Toaroraptorus vel Szpon Sprawiedliwości
Bywają rozstania niezależne od dwojga.Bolesne bo żadne go nie chce.

PostWysłany: Czw 17:23, 04 Lut 2010
(prze)Biegły Rewident
(prze)Biegły Rewident

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hattrick napisał:
DOMA napisał:
Jestem w szkole i właśnie umarłam.
4 pierwsze minuty "5 to 9" !!

Z tego wszyskiego, co chciałam napisać, napiszę tylko jedno - jest dobra strona tego Luddy-początku! Otóż to daje nadzieje, że spełnią się spojlery i w tym samym odcinku doczekamy się HuSa!! :twisted:

Są jakieś spoilery o HuS w tym odcinku??? Czyżbym przegapiła coś tak ważnego? Mnie się wydawało, że wszystkie spoilery są bardzo zachowawcze, typu "nie ma wiele scen Huddy, ale jest pokazane, że Lisa kocha House'a/bardziej zrozumiemy uczucia Lisy" itp... ? Nie?

Dodano 4 minut temu:

mrukasia napisał:
hattrick dobra strona to że Luddy będzie tylko 2 minuty :twisted:

Eeee tam, co to za Luddy, nic im nie wyszło ;)

PostWysłany: Czw 18:18, 04 Lut 2010

Dołączył: 01 Kwi 2009
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